
What Literary Period Was Robert W Service From

Childhood & Early on Life

Robert William Service was the eldest of the 10 children born to Robert Service in Preston, Lancashire, England. His father, originally from Kilwinning, Scotland, was a banker by profession.

When immature Service turned 5, he moved to Kilwinning, Scotland, to alive with his paternal grandfather and maiden aunts. On his sixth altogether, he penned his get-go ever verse, which was basically a grace.

His parents shifted base to Glasglow, Scotland, when he was nine years erstwhile. Academically good, he attended some of the finest schools in Glasglow. He graduated from Glasgow'southward Hillhead Loftier School.

Information technology was during his years at school that he adult a lifelong involvement in books and poetry. Reading exposed him to hazard and fun and inspired him to go out and explore the world to extinguish his desires and curiosities.

He took up various odd jobs, starting with working at a shipping office that soon closed down and afterward on following his dad for a position at a suburban co-operative of the Commercial Bank of Scotland.

While at the bank, since he did not accept as well much piece of work pressure, he often indulged in reading the works of Robert Browning, Lord Alfred Tennyson, and John Keats. He also started writing professionally and was reportedly selling his verses past then.

His interest and passion for verse soon found him a seat at the Academy of Glasglow for a course in English language Literature. Equally much equally he was applauded for being the brightest educatee of the class, his brazenness and disrespect irked his professors. Equally a result of this, he left the academy afterward a year.


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To fulfil his long-drawn wish to dig into his cocky and bring out his true identity, he set sail to Western Canada in 1895 to become a cowboy. A suitcase with clothes, a letter of reference from a depository financial institution and some savings was all that he had taken with him on his voyage to Montreal.

Upon reaching Montreal, he took a train to Vancouver Island. It was there that he realised his dream of becoming a cowboy. The experience called for working in the ranch and meeting colourful personalities all along.

He moved towards North America, wandering from California to British Columbia. All through the journey, he took upwardly diverse jobs.

In 1899, during his stay in Cowichan Bay, British Columbia, he worked as a store clerk. Coincidently, his passion for writing poesy got 6 of his works published in the Victoria Daily Colonist by July 1900

The positive response for his printed verses encouraged him to write further. In the following two years, more of his works were printed in the Colonist, including 'Music in the Bush' and 'The Picayune One-time Log Cabin'.

In 1903, his letter of reference from the Commercial Bank of Scotland finally turned helpful equally he found himself a position at the Canadian Banking company of Commerce. He started working at the bank'south branch in Victoria, British Columbia

While working at the banking concern, he was shifted to the branch in Kamloops in the centre of British Columbia. In 1904, he was further transferred to the Whitehorse branch in the Yukon, a relatively new town.

Working for the bank did not dampen his passion for poetry equally he connected writing his verses. It was during this time that he wrote the poems, 'The Shooting of Dan McGrew' and 'The Cremation of Sam McGee'

By then, he had written plenty poems to be published together in a volume. Collecting all his works, he transferred the same to his begetter to Toronto.

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'Songs of a Sourdough' was the title of his assorted works, which became a massive hit. The book sold 1700 copies in advance from galley proofs and further had an overwhelming demand. Even before its official release date, the book had been through 7 printing.

The substantial success of 'Songs of a Sourdough' led to a release of an edition in New York, Philadelphia, and London. The book earned him $100,000.

By 1908, he had completed his 3 years of service in the bank which entitled him a mandatory paid leave for iii months, which was a standard practice for banking company employees serving in the Yukon

Upon resuming work, he was transferred to Dawson where he met veterans of the Gilded Blitz. He spent a considerable amount of time listening to the lore of the men. It was these reminisces that he employed to write his 2nd book, 'Ballads of a Cheechako' in 1908. Much like its predecessor, it met with huge success.

In 1909, he officially resigned from his duties at the banking company. Henceforth, he started writing his get-go novel, 'The Trail of '98'. The novel was published by a publisher in New York and immediately became a bestseller.

Gaining immense financial freedom from the success of his printed works, he travelled to Paris, the French Riviera and Hollywood. He returned to Dawson City in 1912 to pen his 3rd volume of poetry titled 'Rhymes of a Rolling Rock'.

Leaving Dawson City in 1912, he served as a correspondent for the Toronto Star. The post-obit year, he moved to Paris. Though he was rejected for service on business relationship of varicose vein, he took upwards various works every bit a war correspondent, stretcher bearer and ambulance commuter.

In 1916, he penned 'Rhymes of a Cherry Cross Man' which was dedicated to men who lost their lives in World War I. V years later he came upwards with his next piece of work, 'Ballads of a Bohemian'.

In the post-obit years, he penned thriller novels including, 'The Poisoned Paradise', 'A Romance of Monte Carlo' and 'The Roughneck 'A Tale of Tahiti'. In the 1930s, 'Carol of Lenin's Tomb' was published.

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During World War II, he shifted to California along with his family. In 1942, he played every bit himself in the movie 'The Spoilers' alongside Marlene Dietrich, John Wayne and Randolph Scott. From 1949 to 1955, he published half dozen books of verse. Additionally, he wrote 2 volumes of autobiography, 'Ploughman of the Moon' and 'Harper of Heaven'.


Awards & Achievements

For his war engagements and contributions, he was presented with three medals, including 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal.

Personal Life & Legacy

He brutal in beloved with Constance MacLean at a dance in Duncan B.C. while living in Yukon. Withal, since MacLean was looking for an educated and financially well-off partner, she did not pay heed to his emotions.

Upon achieving academic success, he vowed his love to Constance MacLean again. Though it is reported that she agreed to get engaged to him, not much is known as to what happened between them which led to her marrying Leroy Grant.

After, he married a French woman, Germaine Bougeoin in 1913. The couple lived in Lancieux, C�tes-d'Armor, in the Brittany region of France.

He breathed his last on September 11, 1958. He was 84 years of historic period then.

Diverse schools, colleges, public houses and roads have been named afterwards him. Additionally, the Canadian postage services commemorated his work with a stamp dedicated to him in 1976.



This poet and writer of the famous book, 'Songs of Sourdough' is famously referred to as the 'Bard of Yukon'.

What Literary Period Was Robert W Service From,


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